Choluteca has the best preserved historic center of Honduras, which is extremely pleasant to visit during the early hours of the morning, or at night. Its patron saint festivity is dedicated to the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception, and in December of each year, FERISUR, an agro-industrial fair that is already positioned in the Central American region, is celebrated.
Punta Ratón and Punta Condega are places chosen by nature so that each year the olive ridley turtles return to the place of their birth to spawn and give way to their procreation. In these places, there are groups working for the conservation of these turtles.
Due to its strategic location, San Lorenzo is very popular. Here, to come and enjoy the delights of the sea is an experience that must be accompanied by a visit to Playa del Amor, located among mangrove forests crossed by channels that take you to open waters in the Gulf of Fonseca. You can also visit the fruit farms, where you can enjoy wonderful melons and watermelons, among other fruits.
Amapala is a city located on the Isla del Tigre, or Island of the Tiger, at the heart of the Gulf of Fonseca, in the Pacific of Honduras. The Island of the Tiger is by itself a great and enchanting attraction, with many places to enjoy when taking walks along the beaches and the road that surrounds it. A trail that begins in the community of Caracol takes you to a hill. Cueva de la Sirena is located in Playa Grande, which is told to have been a haven for pirates such as the famous Francis Drake.